Second monitoring report of Verloren Valei’s carnivores is published.

Following on from the initial baseline assessment conducted during 2015 and the first monitoring assessment performed in 2018, Daan Loock and Dr Lourens Swanepoel conducted a second monitoring exercise from the 5th August to the 14th September 2019 using camera traps.
They were able to detect 14 carnivore species, two species less than during the previous assessment conducted during 2018. Another 13 non-carnivore species were detected excluding feral cats, domestic cattle, birds and humans.
One important detection is the small spotted cat, Felis nigripes, a near-threatened species, which might be the highest elevated geographical recording for the species.
New recordings for 2019 include the Cape Clawless Otter, Aonyx capensis, also a near-threatened species, and the meerkat Suricata suricatta.
The assessment increased in geographical surface with the inclusion of the north-eastern area known as Zone 6. This meant an increase in the number of camera sites, from 40 to 50.
Read the baseline report and the first monitoring report (2018).