WESSA, to which we are affiliated as a Friends organisation, implements effective environmental, ecotourism, education and youth development programmes throughout South Africa, and activates a wide range of local initiatives for the environment through its membership network.

The Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) manages Verloren Valei as well as a number of other important reserves in the province.
Wild Orchids Southern Africa (WOSA) was instrumental in the formation of the Friends of Verloren Valei and continues to offer us huge support.

The Lepidopterists’ Society of Africa leads field trips to Verloren Valei and members contribute articles on butterflies to our website.
Read African Butterfly News.

Millstream Farm is 408 hectares of fly-fishing paradise, with abundant bird life and wildflowers, several nature walks and much more. It’s a great base from which to explore this beautiful region, including Verloren Valei. Get more information on how to book your next holiday.

The KZN Crane Foundation is heavily involved in protecting all the crane species across KwaZulu-Natal.

The South African Field Trial Club (SAFTC) was also instrumental in the formation of the Friends of Verloren Valei having had a long association with the Reserve. SAFTC continues to support the Reserve and Friends of Verloren Valei.

The Escarpment Bird Club is active in the Dullstroom area and frequently organises birding trips that include Verloren Valei. If you are a birder, you need to be on its mailing list!

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