Wits Geosciences visits Verloren Valei

It is hoped that this initial visit could lead to more sustained research into the hydrogeology of this unique reserve.

Equipment for measuring water quality and characteristics (Photograph: Tamiru Abiye)

Professors Gill Drennan and Tamiru Abiye of the Wits Geosciences Department visited Verloren Valei on Friday 6 December 2019. The purpose of the visit was to get an idea of what research opportunities the area offers.

It was a typically misty summer’s day, and the Reserve was in full summer plumage, with lush green grass and a good showing of flowers.

The two professors took several measurements during the course of the trip and will provide some preliminary findings in due course. Thereafter, if they can obtain funding, they will submit a research proposal to the MTPA’s scientific committee for approval.

Meanwhile, Dullstroom resident Dave Hepworth has kindly agreed to reinstate the programme to monitor the outflow of water from the 12 streams that emanate from Verloren Valei. This is extremely valuable data to have on hand, especially as the country’s water crisis worsens. Understanding the contribution that wetlands like Verloren Valei make to the country’s water sustainability is vital, not least for supporting our efforts to maintain the area’s protected status.

Metaquartzite (metasandstone) showing cross-bedding (Photograph: Tamiru Abiye)

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